Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9 to 5

As I sit and type this message I can’t help but notice my stark and cold office surroundings.  I’m surrounded by electronics (computer, cell phone, ipod) furniture, mounds of paperwork and somehow expect myself to get inspired enough to write.  We often get caught up in the functionality of our office space and forget about the importance of making our office an environment that brings us peace and happiness. So, what can we do to add some inspiration to our space?

Add some greenery! Add some life! Add some succulents!!

These little water hoarders provide you with an easy to take care of plant that need little sun however offers your office space tons of sunshiny goodness. Adding just a touch of green to your office can vastly improve the overall feel of the space. If you’re feeling underwhelmed by your current office I would challenge you to create a succulent arrangement all your own and bask in the power it has to change your space.

Here are a few inspirational ways that succulents have been used in offices. Enjoy! 

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