Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sempervivum Live Forever

Every once in a while, I will use this forum to cover one of my favorite succulents in detail. Today I chose to discuss one of the first succulents I was introduced to: Sempervivum.

Sempervivum is a Latin word, and when translated to English, it means Live Forever. Nice, right?!

Now, these succulents do not actually live forever. Sempervivums typically live for about 3 years. So how do they “live forever” then? The answer lies in propagation.

Sempervivum’s are succulent hen and chicks. For those who don’t know, the hen is the mother plant. The chicks are the offsets (cuttings) the mother plant produces around itself.

The first year of a Sempervivum’s life will not produce chicks. They need this time to develop good roots and hardiness.

The last couple of years during the Spring and Summer months, you can expect a Sempervivum hen to produce many chicks.

Take these chicks, gently remove them and their roots, and simply replant these into any porous soil media you see fit.

There are many types of Sempervivums, and you will notice different color variations based on factors such as maturity and sun exposure.

Some Sempervivums require you use a knife to cut off the offsets. Most of the time however, you can just simply remove the offsets using your hands.

When you notice a tallish stalk starting to grow from the center of the Sempervivum hen, it has one last bloom before it dies. I know, it’s sad, but all part of the circle of life.

While the Sempervivum’s mother plant you started with has come and gone, you can expect an endless supply of offsets in memoriam!

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